Aaron Gray

Aaron Gray

Vice President

20 Years at Local 513

“I am running because it has been my honor to be part of this local and this administration where we work every day to keep 513 growing. Securing a legacy for all past, present and future members of 513. I also feel it is important to have experience and leadership on the executive board.”

Aaron is currently:

  • Vice President

During Aaron’s 20 years at 513 he has also worked as a(n):

  • Auditor
  • Steward
  • Trustee – Journeyman Apprenticeship Training Fund
  • Trustee – Journeyman Apprenticeship Training Committee

What does being a member of 513 mean to Aaron?

Being a member means everything to me. This local has given me not only security but knowledge and friends to last a lifetime. It has allowed me to provide for my family. It has given me a place to belong where my union card I carry in my pocket is one of my proudest achievements.

What does the Vice President do for 513?

The Vice President assists the President in the discharge of his office, fills his place in his absence and has such other duties as are customarily incident to his office.

How did Aaron get started with 513?

In 1999 I signed up for the apprenticeship, I spent 3 years returning the cards stating that I was still interested in an apprenticeship with Local 513 and was finally invited to the training center in 2002 to start.

Some of Aaron’s Accomplishments at 513:

I have been a part of making 513 better for the membership. I am on the committee that helped launch the app for the membership and where we continue to try and develop it every day to make it better for the membership. I was part of the team that spent countless hours working on the Federal Davis-Bacon wage survey to protect our area standards. As part of this administration, we have helped the retirees by reducing their cost. We’ve helped the active membership by sticking to the plan and watching our funding status get better and we’ve helped the younger members by moving the organization forward trying to make it more digital-based.

Other Labor Positions Aaron Holds:

  • Missouri State Building and Trades Council – Executive Board Trustee
  • Columbia-Jefferson City Building and Construction Trades Council – President
  • Jefferson City Central Labor Union – President
  • Missouri Democratic Party Labor Caucus – Secretary. 

Aaron lives in Owensville, MO with his wife and five children. Aaron was raised in Bland, MO. Aaron also continues to be involved in his community by spearheading 513 Coats for Kids which provides coats for disadvantaged children in our local schools. Aaron also helps with the labor council’s Labor for Learning which provides our local teachers with much-needed school supplies for their classrooms. He is a part of Faith-Labor where the organization adopts a family each year from the community and help provide them with food and presents so their children have a joyous Christmas.