Tim Sappington

Tim Sappington

President/Business Manager

39 Years at Local 513

“I am running for President/Business Manager to continue to protect and preserve the prosperity of Operating Engineers Local 513 for our membership. It is important for me to keep our local moving in the right direction. I also understand the deep importance of continuing to work with the Trustees to make additional improvements to our health and welfare, pension, annuity and journeymen apprenticeship training fund.”

Tim is currently:

  • President/Business Manager
  • Chairman Board of Trustees Health and Welfare Fund, Pension Fund, Annuity Fund, Vacation Fund
  • Secretary Board of Trustees Journeymen Apprenticeship Training Fund
  • Secretary Journeymen Apprenticeship Training Committee

During Tim’s 39 years at 513 he has also worked as a(n):

  • Steward on numerous highway and grading projects
  • Election Commissioner (5 Terms): 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009
  • Instructor-Journeymen Apprenticeship Training Program (8 Years): 2001-2009
  • Administrator-Journeymen Apprenticeship Training Program (8 Years): 2009-2017
  • President/Business Manager I.U.O.E. Local 513 (4 Years): 2017-Present

What does being a member of 513 mean to Tim?

Being a member of Local 513 is a family tradition. While growing up, the values of belonging to an organization like I.U.O.E. Local 513 were instilled in my brother and I by our father and grandfather. These values led me to my 39-year career with our local and my brother’s 41 years. Through hard work and dedication, I have been given the opportunity to make good wages and have benefits to provide for my family.

It is important for me to pass on what it means to be an Operating Engineer. Those values like giving a fair day’s work for a fair day’s wage, being a strong union member by standing up for what you believe in, and passing on the knowledge and skill you have obtained through your career to other members. I practiced this while working in the field and also while working at our Journeymen/Apprenticeship Training Program, one of the best in the country.

Local 513 has been an extension of my family for the past 39 years. I’m very proud to have had the opportunity to work with my brother and sister members through the years. Members who have your back and will stand with you when the going gets tough. Members, like me, who believe there is nothing wrong with the working person making a decent wage and having benefits such as health insurance and pension so that someday we will have the opportunity to retire with dignity.

I promise you; this administration will do everything possible to make sure this opportunity is available for any and all future generations to come.

What does the President/Business Manager do for 513?

President/Business Manager is a combined office. As President, I preside at all meetings and enforce the International Union of Operating Engineers constitution, laws, rules, rituals, and customs of our organization. The President is also responsible for signing all orders on the Treasurer for the disposition of funds authorized by our union. The Chief Executive Officer of Local 513 Operating Engineers (Business Manager) appoints any and all representatives, agents, assistants, and all committees. In addition, I listen to and help address any and all day-to-day business from the Officers, Business Agents, and staff concerning Local 513 and its jurisdiction in the eastern half of Missouri. As President/Business Manager, I also have a position on the Executive Board and assist in managing the affairs of the organization by investing, expanding, contributing, using, lending, and acquiring funds and property to accomplish the objectives, motions, and resolutions adopted by the union.

How did Tim get started with 513?

I am a third-generation Operating Engineer. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of great men like my grandfather and father.

Some of Tim’s Accomplishments at 513:

  • Along with the membership, helped defeat “Right-To-Work” in 2018.
  • Along with our negotiating committees, successfully negotiated contracts in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.
  • Made the hard decision to increase our supplemental dues from 2 ½% to 4% by vote of the membership at a special meeting.
    • This has:
      • made our union solvent for years to come
      • made needed repairs to our union halls in St. Louis and Cape Girardeau
      • added a position of organizer to increase our market share
      • added an additional business agent to police our work
      • and created revenue to restart our marketing recovery program in the future.
    • As Chairman of the Board of Trustees Health and Welfare Fund, Tim has:
      • worked with the other Trustees to implement changes to improve our vision insurance in January 2018
      • reduced the retiree’s Self Pay for insurance in May 2018
      • added Mercy Map (Members Assistance Program) in March 2020
      • improved dental benefits in January 2021
      • and will reducing the retiree’s self-pay for insurance by 5% in May 2021, and will continue to review the plan and make needed improvements as our fund allows.
    • As Chairman of the Board of Trustees Pension Fund, Tim has worked with the other Trustees to stay on track with our pension improvement plan. The pension is now over 80% funded as of May 1st, 2021, three years earlier than the original improvement plan of 80% funded May 1st 2024.

 Other Labor Positions Tim Holds:

  • Executive Board Member Missouri State Building Trades
  • Executive Board Member St. Louis Building Trades
  • Vice-President/Executive Board St. Louis Labor Council
  • Trustee Americans For Fairness North Central States International Union of Operating Engineers
  • Delegate St. Louis Construction Cooperative formally known as PRIDE

Tim also has been married for 35 years and has two children and five grandchildren.